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Luke Seymoup from Melbourne, Australia has joined the Pop Punk Radio rotation with a handful of songs including "Average"

From the artist's Spotify page: "Melbourne’s busiest man in punk, Luke Seymoup, was once described as “weird but cool” by WWE Superstar, Zack Ryder. With a sound that could be compared to a “punked-up” They Might Be Giants or as My Chemical Romance as filtered through the mind of Evan Dando, Luke has spent the last decade prolifically releasing music that mixes elements of punk, ska, indie and heartland rock. Using music as a form of catharsis, his lyrical tales of pain and suffering are set to upbeat, danceable music to help people feel good about feeling awful. In 2021, Luke is gearing up for the release of his second full-length, “Tales of Suburban Angst,” with his backing band, The Moup Group. The record demonstrates the band in its prime, showing the best of each of its individual members and creating a collection of songs that are memorable, fun and emotionally impactful."

Listen to Luke Seymoup on our live radio stream: link