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Pro: Gusto is highly under-appreciated album, in my opinion. As a "punk" album, Gusto is terrible. As a "pop punk" album, Gusto is actually quite enjoyable. Underneath the poppy exterior, this is some of the band's most lyrically humorous and musically diverse material. How can you not laugh at the concept of the album cover? 

Con: I think one of the major criticisms for this album is that Mark Adkins experiment with voice-tuning software while recording Gusto. So I can totally understand why he and others might look back at this album with a bit of shame. But this was a groundbreaking technology at the time, so I don't really blame them for trying it out either. This is also something that has become a standard practice in the industry these days, for better or worse. I'm good with the experimentation just for one album. 

Fav Songs: "Vacation" / "Pee In The Shower" / "Foot Long" / "My Girlfriend" / "My Town"

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