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I think we are at the point where we need to make punching people in the face a thing again. I think we are all collectively fed up with being harassed and bullied by leftists. Even people that typically agree with the left are turning against the left. I personally have cut-off quite a few "friendships" over the past year or so because I got tired of seeing people I thought were my "friends" being outright immature and verbally abusive towards anyone that they felt wasn't displaying outright contempt and hostility for a specific politician. Most of which flies in the face of everything they claimed said politician to be... "he's a racist" they say while bashing white people... "he's sexist" they say while demonizing men... "He says awful things" they say while calling others names and cyber-bullying them. At what point do we say enough is enough and stop letting a bunch of little Eric Cartmans harass us into subservience? For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, and the left is only starting to discover how abusive their actions have been...

I worked in big tech in Silicon Valley, California. Leftist mecca. I can assure you that all of the people screaming online about social justice issues are primarily priviledged college kids with less than 1 year of working experience and who's idea of "hardship" or "adversity" is an un-broken dial on a toaster in the office breakroom. I literally heard one of these priviledged kids complain to another co-worker that someone has been leaving the dial on the toaster set "too high." This co-worker's response was an appropriate "it's a fucking dial, dude. It moves. Why don't you find something else to complain about." Everyone who overheard the exchange laughed and the privilidged kid shrunk down in his seat, as he should've.

You see, lil lefties, a toaster is a wonderful device that heats up bread and usually contains a knob that either slides or moves where you can adjust the level of toasty-ness that you want out of your toast. So if you want a super crispy pice of toast, you move the dial up to a high heat setting. If you only want warm bread, you move the dial to a lower heat setting.

What you absolutely do not do under any circumstances is complain to your coworker in a passive aggressive manner by saying "people have been complaining that someone has been leaving the dial too high." This makes you look like:
A) a complete and utter moron who probably had to have his mommy help him get dressed that morning
B) a selfish fucking twat for expecting that other people are supposed to only eat warm bread just because you like warm bread instead of toast.

Ok, so this person in particular is a pretty pathetic and outright hilarious example, but the office was full of whiners and complainers who harassed each other by complaining about every stupid little tiny trivial insignificant thing anyone else in the office did that didn't involve staring blankly at a computer screen whilst twiddling one's thumbs which are also placed firmly inside their own anus. If my language comes across vulgar and hostile, well what did you expect? They stuck me inside an office with privlidged 20-something year old college kids and they harassed and verbally abused me because I came from Los Angeles, walked with a swagger in my step, and lived a fun life before I end up in a boring soulless office with all of them. In most regular situations I would be able to punch a person in the fucking face for disprespecting another person that way. But in an office, we have to bite our tongue and hold back our fists if we want to continue earning a paycheck, thus we are left at the mercy of verbally abusive office bullies who's priviledge is shoved so far up their butts that they can taste the avocado toast they ate for lunch the previous day.

I once joked with a co-worker saying that the girls in the office were afraid of hanging out with me because I had too much sex-appeal and they would rather hang out with the boring office virgins like Kevin because he was ignorant and thirsty enough to give them all the attention they wanted despite getting nothing significant in return. The rest of the office got wind of what I had said and many of them got butt-hurt and took it personally, despite the fact that it was just a fucking joke aimed largely at one person. The girls knew he was also too geeky and inexperienced to ever tempt them sexually, I mean what woman in her right mind gets wet between the legs when a a geeky guy attempts to flirt with her by inviting her to play Dungeons & Dragons?

So they led Covid Kevin along on a string for free attention while assuming/fearing that an experienced guy like myself who had been through two long-term relationships and knows how to actually please a woman would attempt to "date rape" them if they so much as went to lunch with me. They waited to try to hang out with me near the end of their contracts so things wouldn't get awkward, as if we were all still in high school drama class or something and as if open dialogue and communication isn't a thing between mature adults... but if you spend 9 months ghosting me while teasing Covid Kevin only to laugh at Kevin during the final week of your contract and then attempt to cross my radar again at the last moment, I've already determined you're not the type of person I want to waste my own valuable time with. I'm also not so thirsty for sex that I'm going to let you lead me around on a stupid wild goose chase just for 4-5 quick pumps behind the wall or over in the bushes whenever the sun, moon, and heavens align and you finally feel "ready" for intimacy. I'm more of an old fashioned wine and steak dinner, followed by a night of romance type. If you want the two-pump chump behind the bushes, there are plenty of Covid Kevins out there for ya, ladies. No one worth a damn ever bragged to their friends that skeevy "sex" they had for 30 seconds behind the bushes was the "best night of sex of my life." Keep it classy. But now I've gone on a tangent.

We have literally let the people with boring lives, no ambition, and zero compassion for anyone other than themselves become the "voice" of "social justice?" Most of these kids never leave their parents' basement, so why are we bending over backwards to appease them? Because they have no lives and therefore have all the time in the world to complain about things that have very little affect on their day to day lives? These were the same people yelling at everyone to "stay the fuck home" back in April 2020 because they foolishly believed that if people just stayed home for 2 weeks that the government would stop fingering our puckered up little buttholes and stop frightening us with sensationalistic, misleading headlines. At a certain point a person realizes that the people screaming have been mislead and we start yelling back at them to shut the ever-loving fuck up, mind their own damn business, and let others live how they choose to live.

A dog will only put up with so much abuse before it turns into a rabid, vicious, attack animal. Make punching these people in the nose a thing again.