"92% of men that take their own lives were seeking help...
80% of those men were deemed to be low risk...
I saw this video recently... cycling through a bunch of videos of these men playing with their kids, having fun with their friends, having fun with their family out at the park, and what the videos were... the last videos of these men before they had taken their lives... On the surface, they looked great... but deep within themselves they felt completely alone, completely isolated...
A lot of people don't know how to help men get direction back in their lives."
"The problem is us men KNOWING (not feeling) that no one cares about our existence or our achievements, so there’s no incentive to stay alive or work harder. If someone tries to care, they “care” through treating us like we’re women that need emotional validation instead of practical advice on how to be proactive again in a way that’s appreciated and also how to seek meaningful relationships in a world where women have contempt or unrealistic expectations for men.
Masculinity is dying because it is punished severely and deemed as “toxic masculinity” as well as female privilege, male oppression, and the distinction between male and female not being recognized and fixed."